
Install Raspbian on the microSD card.

If you want to run your machine in a headless mode, it is very convenient to setup the following things:

You would probably need to setup SSH keys before it.

You can even prerecord WIFI password.

It was once, that 5g network was only available, when you choose US as a Wireless LAN country.

Install Anydesk in a headless mode.

That’s an awesome way to connect to your Raspberry Pi via internet without any issues. It is free for the personal use and gives you a lot of tools.

  1. Download the package (or see the instructions here):

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt full-upgrade
    wget https://download.anydesk.com/rpi/anydesk_6.1.1-1_armhf.deb
  2. Install anydesk

    sudo dpkg -i anydesk_6.1.1-1_armhf.deb
    sudo apt-get install -f

    You will probably need these dependencies:

    sudo apt install libminizip1 libegl1-mesa
  3. Fix the absense of the physical screen (display_server_not_supported error):

    Run in the terminal:

    sudo nano /boot/config.txt

    And uncomment the hdmi_force_hotplug=1 line:

  4. Check everything:

    anydesk --get-id
    anydesk --version

    Here is the link to the command line commands for AnyDesk. The most important one is setting password for the access. You will probably need to reboot Raspberry Pi.

    Congratulations! Now you anydesk server will run after reboot and you will be able to connect to it and transfer files remote control even over the internet (not in the local network).

Back up your google drive cloud storage to local HDD daily.

rclone utility is a great way to deal with this task. All instructions worked like a charm. Scheduling is done using crontab.

sudo crontab -e

![0 6 * * /sbin/shutdown -r now 0 3 * * sh ~/backup_from_drive.sh

It means, that Raspberry Pi reboots each morning at 6:00; and backs up each night at 3:00.](https://merkulov.top/Other/Notes/My_raspberry_PI_home_setup/Screenshot_2022-05-29_at_16.24.11.png)

![rclone sync remote_macbook: /media/pi/HDD/Backups/drive_macbook -P

Backup script could include several folders, cloud providers or some logging utilities.](https://merkulov.top/Other/Notes/My_raspberry_PI_home_setup/Screenshot_2022-05-29_at_16.23.18.png)

Install Docker

Now it’s super easy πŸ˜€:

curl -fsSL https://get.docker.com -o get-docker.sh
sudo sh get-docker.sh
pip install docker compose