My favourite MacOS utilities
- unicodeit - Converts LaTeX tags to unicode: \mathcal{H} → ℋ with the shortcut
cmd + option + shift + U
- WARP - Unblocks most of the internet content. Fast and free. Note, that this is not VPN.
- Maccy - clipboard history with
option + V
. - hidden - utility that helps hide menu bar icons.
- MiddleClick-BigSur - "Wheel click" with three-finger click/tap for Trackpad and Magic Mouse.
- Rectangle - Move and resize windows on macOS with keyboard shortcuts and snap areas.
- BitWarden - Multiplatform password manager.
- GoodNotes - very robust handwritting tool for iPad and MacOS.
- Touch ID instead of sudo password.
- Vectornator - vector graphic editor.
Safari - place cursor in the search field with new tab opening by
cmd + T
:defaults write UniversalSearchFeatureNotificationHasBeenDisplayed YES
- vpn-up-for-openconnect - VPN client, that allows you to run VPN connection from Terminal in a single command.
Quick actions to turn SVG to PDF and PDF to SVG:
These 2 files should be placed in
Before using one needs to install convertors:
brew install pdf2svg brew install librsvg